Tuesday 4 October 2011

Media studies

Questionnaire analysis

·       The first question I ask people was what year group are you in? 100% of the people said they ‘were in year’

·       Question number 2 was, do you read magazines? 70 % of the pupils said that ‘no’ they did not read magazines suggesting that not many people read magazines.

·       Question number 3 was ‘which of the following mast heads do you prefer?’ the main response was ‘khs’ followed my ‘evolve’

·       Question number 4 asked ‘what sort of pictures would you like to see on the front cover?’ the favourite chose was ‘ sixth form pictures’ followed by ‘sporting teams’

·       Question 5 was ‘what sort of colours do you associate with KHS?’ the two main colours where navy and gold I think these where the most popular because they are the colours of the school.

·       Question 6 asked which of the following ‘slogans do you prefer?’ the most popular slogan was ‘saved by the bell’ closely followed by ‘sporting successes’ 

·       Question 7 was ‘how much would you for a magazine?’ the preferred about to pay was between  50p-£1 the next chosen option was the cheapest option which was 50p

·       Question 8 was ‘circle 5 of the following stories you would like to read about ….?’ The most popular  where:

1.    Sporting stories

2.    Exam results

3.    New sixth form canteen

4.    Clubs and activities

5.    Uniform

·       Question number 9 asked ‘who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?’ the majority of people said sixth form but two people also said that it could be aimed at the year 11s and the whole school.

·       The last question I asked was ‘would you want to buy a school magazine?’ the results turned out showing that ‘yes’ most people would even though they would have to pay.