Tuesday 29 November 2011

Music Fan Profile

Ideal indie
Age - 15-30
What is an ideal indie? -  Usually a self-appointed "Musician" who thinks their taste in music is really different and unique to everyone else's, they know loads of different bands and just want to find new things/ ways to improve the music.
What he’s wearing – skinny jeans usually designer or from top shop. Either a graphic t-shirt with a catchy slogan/ picture or stripped usually white and another colour (red or blue), unlike the jeans the top is lose fitting around arms and neck. Over the top an undone hoddie with a Harrington jacket over the top. Converse damps on feet done up lose so they are comfortable
Listening to – all different types of low key unsigned bands as well as some more main stream bands like cold play and the killers.
Wants to be - sees this as a stupid question but wouldn’t mind being in his own band with a record label just doing what he loves listening to and making music.
Find him – either out with his mates or in his ‘room’ chilling to some unknown band maybe strumming his own guitar.        

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